
cuddle sticks is the featured video on the 4mations website today. if any of you would want to go ever there and give it a click, or better yet a rating (of coarse i would prefer a higher rating, but do me as you may), that would be great.

and if your wondering about that kitty in the skull thing...thats their logo. believe me, i wish i came up with it first, but ill give the credit where the credit is due, and thats to the fine people at the 4mations.tv site.


Matt Shepherd said...

Holy Taledo! Cuddle Sticks is really getting some wicked exposure, very funny short, awsome stuff. I tried looking for you demo on your new website but I couldnt find it. bummer! Keep up the goood JoOooRB!

Mel Kirk said...

Thanks for uploading Cuddle Sticks, we think it's totally awesome, if a little wrong :)